Nationality and Borders Act

Thank you for contacting me about the Joint Committee on Human Rights’ (JCHR) report on the Nationality and Borders Bill (now Act).

I appreciate your concern with the JCHR’s report and the issues it raises regarding refugees and asylum seekers, as well as the notice of deprivation of citizenship orders. I must, however, stress, for the following reasons, why I think this is a vital piece of legislation and one I support wholeheartedly.

I am determined to bring to justice the ruthless criminal people smugglers whose actions endanger lives. The Home Secretary is taking all action possible to stop criminals exploiting vulnerable people and I offer my support to this important work.

The Nationality and Borders Act will stop the abuse of our system and give victims who have been exploited the support they need to rebuild their lives. Having spoken to ministerial colleagues, I can confirm that it is compliant with the UK’s legal and international obligations and it will continue to offer protection to the most vulnerable and step-up measures to break the deadly trade of people smuggling.

Furthermore, regarding Clause 9 of the Act, the power to deprive British citizenship on ‘conducive to the public good’ grounds is used sparingly, complies with the UN Conventions on Statelessness and always comes with a right to appeal. The Act does not change this.