Outdoor activity providers

Thank you for contacting me about outdoor activity providers. 
Outdoor activity centres provide a unique form of exercise and entertainment, making an important contribution to local communities. I recognise the difficulty that some outdoor activity providers must be facing during the coronavirus outbreak.
The Job Support Scheme targets support on businesses who can support employees doing some work during a period of depressed demand. The Scheme will allow employees to work a minimum of 33 per cent of their usual hours, and for every hour not worked the employer and the Government will each pay one third of an employee’s usual pay, with the Government contribution will be capped at £697.92 per month. With employees receiving at least 77 per cent of their pay, the introduction of the Scheme will offer vital protection to viable jobs over the winter. The scheme is rightly open to all Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), and any large business will be required to demonstrate that they have been adversely affected by COVID-19. 
 I welcomed the Chancellor’s announcement that the Job Support Scheme will be expanded to provide further support to individuals and businesses effected by localised restrictions. This expanded provision will be open to businesses whose premises have been legally required to close as a direct result of Coronavirus restrictions set by one or more of the four governments of the UK. For areas facing business closures dues to restrictions, Local Restrictions Support Grant scheme can provide a cash grant up to £3,000 per month.
Colleagues assure me that guidance is being continually updated as facilities including those for water sports and cycling. Guidance is available for the public on the return of outdoor sport and recreation in England can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publicatio ns/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-phased-return-of-sport-and-recreation/guidance-for-thepublic-on-the-phased-return-of-outdoor-sport-and-recreation.