I would like to assure you that the work of university staff, and the higher education sector is greatly appreciated by the Government, particularly during the recent challenging times. It is also fantastic to see the innovating research that is coming out of our higher education institutions, including life saving treatments and vaccines.
I am aware that universities are independent institutions, and as such are responsible for their own decisions on employment contracts and pay and pension provision. However, of course, the Department for Education expects universities, like all employers, to treat their staff fairly and with respect, with particular consideration to their obligations under the Equality Act 2010.
I understand that the Pensions Regulator is currently working with the University Superannuation Scheme, Universities UK and a rank of stakeholders to find solutions to the ongoing disputes over pay and pensions.
I would once again like to say how valued the higher education institutions in this country are, and I will continue to monitor this issue closely.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.