Following an extensive fire at All Saint’s Church Mackworth on the 3 December 2020, Sarah Dines MP visited the site to help in any way that she could. The fire started around 16.30 on the 3 December and has caused extensive damage to the church.
Sarah Dines said, ‘As soon as I heard news that the historic and beautiful Parish Church of All Saints' Mackworth had been terribly damaged by a fire, I contacted the Church Wardens to see how I could help. This morning I attended the scene and met the Police, Jacqueline Stober the Priest-in-charge, Prof Bryan Jones, Warden and Safeguarding Officer and Betty Bond the Church Warden. The Fire and Rescue services were still at the scene and working hard.
Unfortunately the damage looks to be very extensive and my thoughts go out to the local community. We must rebuild, reroof and restore this much-loved church. It has been a vital part of our spiritual and social history for centuries in Derbyshire. The church itself can be traced back to the early 12th century and the present building was largely built in the 14th and 15th centuries. A joint investigation into what caused the fire is starting this morning and I sincerely hope that the Police find out how this fire stated.
Thank you to Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service and the Police for attending to this fire so quickly.’